On 22 March 2013 08:12, Martin Höller <mar...@xss.co.at> wrote:

> Hi!
> On 21 Mär 2013, Stephen Connolly wrote:
> > I think mailing lists are not the best way to explain why different
> > solutions are to be preferred when ranking against what is best for the
> > Maven ecosystem as a whole.
> >
> > So I wrote a blog post to explain my views on what are good ways and what
> > are bad ways.
> >
> >
> http://developer-blog.cloudbees.com/2013/03/playing-trade-offs-with-maven.html
> Really good post, but... ;-)
> There is one thing that is IMHO not clearly (enough) stated in your post:
> it is in general a bad idea to add repositories to your POMs [1].
> Section "2. Get the external jars into a public Maven repository" adds an
> additional <repository> to the pom.xml. This is usually bad pratice and
> should be avoided. Brian Fox wrote a detailed blog post [1] about this.
> Maybe you could link to this post and mentione, that putting the
> additional repo in your settings.xml is an alternative.

Well if you put them into your settings.xml, then those extra repositories
are applied for *every single project that you build*

If you put them in your pom.xml, then those extra repositories are only
applied for that project and *every single project that lists that project
as a transitive dependency*

Also putting them in your settings.xml means you cannot just checkout and
build, putting them in your pom.xml allows most others to just checkout and
build (except for those of us behind a corporate proxy with a mandated

Finally, putting them in your settings.xml allows reacting to repository
location changes when building old builds, putting them in your pom.xml may
mean that 1 year from now, checking out the tag will not build without
modifying the pom.xml (or even worse, depending on the 1 year old version
in a project your are building - you might want to verify a regression in
behaviour for example - won't work because that version's pom.xml has
invalid repository URLs)

For all the above reasons, pushing OSS projects to central is the
recommended practice, but getting them into any public Maven repository is
better than not having them in a public Maven repository.

TL;DR pushing open source projects to a repository other than Central (at
least for the moment given how Maven works) is bad practice. Arguing over
whether it is better to reference those other repositories from
settings.xml or from pom.xml is very much like two fleas arguing over who
will get squashed first when the building collapses and flattens the dog
they live on ;-)

> Thanks for your efforts for the maven community and hth,
> - martin
> [1]
> http://www.sonatype.com/people/2009/02/why-putting-repositories-in-your-poms-is-a-bad-idea/

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