We have a maven project that results in a web archive. We want to ship a
file (a .exe) within this for simple download by customers.

I've looked at the wagon plugin (
http://mojo.codehaus.org/wagon-maven-plugin/download-mojo.html) but this
requires the target URL to be a directory from which a relative file is
chosen. I'm downloading from a Nexus installation which provides a URL for
a single file so isn't suitable.

I've looked at the maven-download-plugin but while this works perfectly on
our development Windows workstations, on our Linux Jenkins instance we end
up with the final slash in the URL duplicated, resulting in entirely the
wrong content downloaded.

So I am left wondering how I can ask that a web archive can be built that
ships with a file downloaded from our Nexus installation? This doesn't
sound like it should be difficult but I'm still left frustrated.

Any suggestions? I really don't want to take responsibility to manually
constructing this thing, or have to manually commit to the project's SVN
repo the .exe file to skip this dynamic process.



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