Gisbert Amm wrote on Monday, September 13, 2004 7:20 PM:

> Hi all,
> sorry for the probably newbie question; I didn't find the
> answer in the
> documentation.
> I want to create my own customized template based on the web template
> so that I can call "maven genapp myapp" to create customized projects.
> On I read:
> "How to add a specific script for my template?
>      For add a specific script to your template, you should create a
> template.jelly file at your template root directory."
> Seems as if this could be the answer to my question.
> But where is my "template root directory"? I have no idea.
> And where do I find the existing templates like "web" or "struts" (a
> search for *.jelly gives no results)?
> Or am I totally wrong with this idea and have to do something
> completely different?

Have a look at the properties:

By default Maven searches also templates in the directory 
${maven.local.home}/templates i.e. $HOME/.maven/templates. Create subdirectories there 
(the name of the template equals the directory name), that have own template.jelly 
scripts. Have a look at the resources of genapp itself to see how a template is 

- Jörg

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