Gisbert Amm wrote on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 12:41 PM:
>> Hmm. This should work. Can you give it a try and define
>> "maven.genapp.template.repository" manually (remember it points to
>> the root of the templates)?
> When I call
> $> maven -b genapp
> -Dmaven.genapp.template.repository=/path_to_my_home/.maven/templates
> all works fine.

This should have been worked by default. Can you file an issue in JIRA for this case?


> Never mind, that was my own (sort of stupid) mistake.
> When I called Maven I was actually *within* the template
> directory. Then
> it is not such a big surprise that the structure of the new
> project was
> generated within the template directory (probably the
> software should be
> aware of this possibility and warn the user about it - this
> could be an
> issue or enhancement report, if you like).
> So the step-by-step guide for the creation of a new project would say:
> 1. Create a new directory (e.g. within your eclipse
> workspace) 2. Go *into* this directory 3. Call maven genapp ... and
> so on 
> I could write some of this documentation for the genapp
> plugin site if
> you like.

I am quite sure, that anyone accepts patches for documentation :)

-  Jörg

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