Classifier would seem to be appropriate for this case... but I would be
interested to see what others say.

I agree on this approach. It will require extra execution blocks for at least the maven-compiler-plugin and maven-jar-plugin. You also have to decide if you want the maven-surefire-plugin to test both classfolders or just the main.


Op Thu, 05 Dec 2013 11:37:54 +0100 schreef Stephen Connolly <>:

Well first off I think it would be better to have the full debug info in
the main artifact.... as you can always use tooling to strip debug info as
a consumer

the debug info will have no effect on the transitive dependencies, so from
that PoV having a -nodebug.jar makes sense

Classifier would seem to be appropriate for this case... but I would be
interested to see what others say.

The other thing to keep in mind is that Tatu is a very smart guy... there
is likely a good reason that he's just forgotten which was his primary
reason and the file size is just a secondary reason that is easier to

On 5 December 2013 07:28, Cemo <> wrote:


Jackson project is using this compiler parameters to reduce jar size.

>           <debuglevel>lines,source</debuglevel>

However this is causing a lot pain to debug. Every single artifact has to
be compiled with necessary compiler flags again to be debugged. Before
suggesting something I wanted to be sure about that. Is there any practice to distribute artifacts with and without debug info? The first thing which came to my mind is *classifier. *Is this a good usage? What do you think?


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