I've been kicking ideas around with the maven-example-plugin to enable users to locate, download and use example / test projects. ie source distros placed in /groupId/distributions .

In some situations the usage is automatic, e.g. a plugin downloads a project from the repo to use as it's plugin-test. In other situations the usage is manual e.g. where a user downloads a source project to use as an example.

In this latter case, I think your mavenzilla idea is far superior. Some graphical mechanism to locate and download source projects seems far better than a command line (for users at least).

another useful feature might be a list of known repos and mirrors also the groupIds that are maintained at each repo.

A feature to maintain your local list of repos from within mavenzilla could also be 

Moritz Petersen wrote:

Mavenzilla is a browser for Maven repositories.


To be honest: it is currently in a very early development stage, and
more a prototype than a real application. The question is: is a
repository browser neccessary / useful, or am I missing a point with
Maven? Often, I browse the ibiblio repository, to take a look at the
latest version of a dependency.
I would be interested to know the experiences / practices of other
users when working with maven. How do you determine the version you
will use in your project?

Thank you,


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