When letting go the idea of an animal, I came up with the following:

Change the V of Maven into a funnel, feeding it with stuff (code, resources, etc), resulting in an artifact.
Maybe with an assembly line full of jars below Maven.
It is probably easier to make the input abstract: circles, squares, rectangles ...


Op Fri, 10 Jan 2014 08:20:21 +0100 schreef Kristian Rosenvold <kristian.rosenv...@gmail.com>:

I think the association-work around what maven /is/ is a great way to
approach a logo contest elsewhere. I have worked with some great graphic
designers in my time, and the kind input the good ones want are typically
related around your thoughts/feelings around the product rather than which
particular animal you prefer, which is a bit of a secondary kind of input
along with all different kinds of other constraints/ideas (the boss prefers

When I first encountered maven I had come to the realization that all my
ant projects were basically the same, and that there was no reason for
what was basically a standard process. So maven gives me associations to a
mass-production line at a factory, rather than a tailor making individual
processes. Furthermore, the lifecycle amplifies the idea of a conveyor-belt
mass-production line; all parts move through the same conveyor belt
process, stopping at
individual stages to get work done. I would almost be willing to think of a
waterfall (Uh-oh...)

So it would appear to me that I'm not thinking of an animal at all !


2014/1/9 Mark H. Wood <mw...@iupui.edu>

On Thu, Jan 09, 2014 at 09:32:54AM -0600, Curtis Rueden wrote:
> All of the logos are OK, but none of them really symbolize anything in
> particular about Maven. IMO the best logos encapsulate the purpose of the
> project somehow, either overtly, covertly or both.

Good point.  I was associating with the name "Maven", looking for a
symbol of in-depth understanding of a specialized field.


So, what does Maven do?  It passes unique source and object code
inputs through a standardized process, guided by an expression of the
relationships among those inputs, to assemble a well-specified
configuration of runnable code.  What does that look like?

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   mw...@iupui.edu
Machines should not be friendly.  Machines should be obedient.

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