On 30 October 2014 08:38, Curtis Rueden <ctrue...@wisc.edu> wrote:

> Hi Fay,
> > Could i define a intermediate repository, everytime they deploy,
> > jenkins will verify it.
> Why not have Jenkins do your deploys? I.e.: make it so that only Jenkins
> has deploy permission to your remote repository. So your devs can no longer
> run "mvn deploy" from the CLI and expect it to work, but instead just push
> to master (or whatever integration branch) and then Jenkins runs the build.
> Once Jenkins does your deploys, you can set up your jobs to test for more
> stringent conditions before actually doing the deploy. E.g.:
> $ git clean -fdx
> $ mvn clean install
> $ bin/verify-artifacts.sh
> $ mvn deploy
> And "verify-artifacts.sh" does whatever further programmatic testing you
> need.
> OTOH, in many cases, you don't need a shell script -- often times, you can
> get what you need using Maven plugins like Surefire, Failsafe, and
> Enforcer. If you go that route, it might be enough so that devs running
> "mvn deploy" won't deploy bad stuff to the repo by default (unless they are
> aggressive enough to run e.g. "mvn -DskipTests deploy" which would be
> pretty bold).
> Regards,
> Curtis

Whether its Jenkins, or a developer, you've still pushed a release that
could break the build.

This is where you need some isolation available to your workflow.

Stuff breaks - it happens, Fay needs to determine how they want to deal
with it.

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