On 29 October 2014 18:48, Fay Wong <philip584...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Many thanks to Barrie.
> I think what you have clarified is the normal flow of maven practice.
> The "deploy" in the context of my previous post means: our developer invoke
> a "mvn deploy" command to share the output(bytecode) through the repository
> so as to shorten the build time of whole project(as its code base is too
> large). Our goal is modular compiling and packaging.
> Currently my pain is our developer would deploy broken bytecode to our dev
> repository and broken others work. Could i define a intermediate
> repository, everytime they deploy, jenkins will verify it. if pass, then
> depoy it into dev repository, otherwise, revert the intermediate repository
> to keep sync with dev repository.
> Is there a easier way to achieve this?

There is the stick, or the carrot.

The paid version of Nexus (a Maven Repository Manager) has staging
repositories, I dont use them, you may be able to get them to do what you

Either way its a process issue.
Teach your developers to stop breaking the build.
Or use one of the options I've suggested.

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