Please be aware, changing the code of a released library (not SNAPSHOT) is not 
allowed and maven can not take any responsibility for any errors this will 
Thats why nexus/artifactory do not allow to change the artifact of a released 
version once its uploaded. 
Only SNAPSHOT versions are allowed to be changed.

On 04.11.2014, at 08:10, Irfan Sayed <> wrote:

> thanks.
> what i figured out is , nexus / artifactory will not download the
> dependency unless there is change in the version.
> if dependency x  refers version 1.1 , then maven will see if
> nexus/artifactory has this version along with local maben repo of build
> machine
> if it does both, maven will not download the dependency even if developer
> changes the code keeping the version same
> regards
> On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 5:55 AM, Bernd Eckenfels <>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I was looking a bit deeper into making the dependency plugin to print
>> out the resolved timestamps. I noticed there is already an option
>> -DoutputAbsoluteArtifactFilename=true which would give me the path of
>> the files in the local directory. This is all good for released
>> versions, but it still points to the non-unique snapshot version files.
>> I am not wondering, is there a way to configure the maven
>> resolver/dependency management to actually not do that. When I look at
>> the build output, it does download the meta data and a specific
>> timestamped version:
>> Downloaded: https://.../2.1-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml (2 KB at 0.6
>> KB/sec)
>> Downloaded:
>> https://.../2.1-SNAPSHOT/commons-vfs2-2.1-20141016.153538-385.pom (12 KB
>> at 22.1 KB/sec)
>> Downloading:
>> https://.../2.1-SNAPSHOT/commons-vfs2-2.1-20141016.153538-385.jar
>> Downloaded:
>> https://.../2.1-SNAPSHOT/commons-vfs2-2.1-20141016.153538-385.jar
>> (423 KB at 209.7 KB/sec)
>> But it still creates a copy of that version without timestamp.
>> I can imagine this is not really the best situation, why does it not
>> stick to the uniquely named file?
>> BTW: whats the best API way to get the snapshot timestamp from a
>> Artifact object after it was resolved? I tried getDownloadURL(), but it
>> is null for the Artifacts which are present in the list of
>> org.apache.maven.plugin.dependency.utils.DependencyStatusSets.buildArtifactListOutput(Set<Artifact>,
>> boolean, boolean, boolean)
>> Gruss
>> Bernd
>> Am Sun, 19 Oct 2014 19:11:50 +0200
>> schrieb Bernd Eckenfels <>:
>>> Ah another thing, I always wished there is an option to archive the
>>> effective POM instead of the tear downed POM with the
>>> maven-archiver (addMavenDesciptor).
>>> Especially when the effective pom also contains the resolved snapshot
>>> timestamps (which it currently not does).
>>> Speaking of effective pom, you can create and archive it, then you
>>> have at least all expressions and profiles locked down.
>>> Gruss
>>> Bernd
>>> Am Sun, 19 Oct 2014 22:17:45 +0530
>>> schrieb Irfan Sayed <>:
>>>> thanks bernd.
>>>> anyone has any other suggestions please?
>>>> regards
>>>> On Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 9:49 PM, Bernd Eckenfels
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I dont have a good method for that (especially not if all
>>>>> dependencies arent fully version-specified. You can use and add
>>>>> dependencies:list as a target to the maven build, then the
>>>>> resolved list will be printed in the build log. This list can
>>>>> change depending on what is available at build time.
>>>>> Gruss
>>>>> Bernd
>>>>>  Am Sun, 19 Oct 2014 20:57:29 +0530
>>>>> schrieb Irfan Sayed <>:
>>>>>> hello,
>>>>>> we have java project and using maven to build the same. we are
>>>>>> using Jenkins. in Jenkins ,  we can generate the delta of source
>>>>>> code changes between two builds.
>>>>>> in the same way, do we have any way wherein , we can generate
>>>>>> the delta of maven dependencies changed between two builds.
>>>>>> please suggest
>>>>>> regards
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