Hello Jeff

I also wanted to do something similar a while ago. But in my attempt in
a multi-modules project, each modules got a slightly different
timestamp. Building from the root of a project having modules A, B and C
gave me the following timestamps:

    A: 20150702.165421-17
    B: 20150702.165432-17
    C: 20150702.165454-17

It looks like that Maven generates an individual timestamp from the time
at which each sub-module is built, instead that a unique timestamp for
the whole project. This make difficult the usage of a single property
for the timestamp portion if the project has more than one module.


Le 21/08/15 11:08, Jeff a écrit :
> I should clarify that I want to find the specific SNAPSHOT version assigned
> by Nexus (or other maven repository manager applications) after the deploy.
> So after I deploy 'myapp.jar' to Nexus with GAV:
> groupID: mycompany.com
> artifactID: myapp
> version:  1.0-SNAPSHOT
> Nexus assigns it to something
> like /com/mycompany/myapp/1.0-SNAPSHOT/myapp-1.0-20150821.000538-120.jar
> I want to get the "20150821.000538-120" portion and also if possible the
> SHA1 hash Nexus generated.
> Thanks!

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