Hi David,

On 9/14/15 7:20 PM, David Hoffer wrote:
Thanks for the info...that really clears up the issues.  Let me try to
answer your questions.

Yes we use 'maven-ant-tasks-2.1.3.jar' to call maven from an Ant

Based on my point of view there is no advantage to call Maven from Ant ? just call it directly..also in TeamCity you can call mvn directly..

I didn't create any of the Ant stuff so can't say why things
are the way they are but we use this a lot to download artifacts from
Nexus so probably used it to run Maven builds too because all the
configuration was already setup.

The downloads are done by Maven automaticially...

Currently the Ant scripts create InstallAnywhere (IA) installers

Means as far as i know create some folder structures with particular files in it ? (i know IZPack a bit..)....would sound like a job for maven-assembly-plugin may be some parts can be done by maven-resources-plugin ...

generate ISO images.  There are no native Maven plugins for these tasks
but we have created wrappers for use with Maven in other projects but
they are not compatible with this particular build so we would need to
refactor the build to make the full switch to Maven.


Yes I'm aware Maven 3.3.3 needs JDK7, that's okay as we build all new
stuff with JDK8.  We use TeamCity for CI.
Ok..so no problem...

I didn't realize that Maven-Ant-Tasks cared what version of Maven it was
used with.  Do you know what's the latest Maven version
it officially supports?

As as i know it should work till 3.2.5 as you already realized... (but officially Hm..whatever this means..)...

> Perhaps I can use this as the reason to bite
the bullet and convert the remaining Ant portions to Maven.

If you have questions converning that please don't hesitate to ask here on the list...so we can support you....

Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise


On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 10:36 AM, Karl Heinz Marbaise <khmarba...@gmx.de
<mailto:khmarba...@gmx.de>> wrote:

    Hi David,

    On 9/14/15 5:57 PM, David Hoffer wrote:

        The reason for the Ant script is historical.  It's a very large
        that back in the day was 100% Ant.  Over time portions were
        migrated to
        Maven, the only way to integrate with the larger Ant script is with
        Maven-Ant-Task.  Today all the developer builds are pure maven
        but most
        of the CI builds have to do more than that...build installers,
        build ISO
        images, etc.  Unfortunately those other tasks are still Ant.

    I would say it's time to migrate...and leave Ant for Maven related
    things....Can you tell me what kind of installers ? ISO image ? As
    far as i remember there is a maven plugin which creates iso images
    (Stephen Connolly has written something like that if my memory does
    not mistaken me)...

        We don't have any '.mvn' folders.  Shouldn't
        just default to the same folder that has the top level pom?

    Yes in this case it is exactly that way...you should add property
    set in your ant task to define the property...that should fix the
    problem...but i'm not sure if this will fix it completely...why
    don't you call "mvn.cmd" or "mvn" from the ant task...

    So wait a moment...you are using Maven Ant Tasks to call maven?
    Sounds strange ...why not directly calling Maven...

    >Not clear

        why pure maven build works w/o setting
        multiModuleProjectDirectory but
        not when using Maven-Ant-Task.

    The difference is that pure Maven the property is set by the calling
    scripts ( mvn / mvn.cmd)...which will identify the root folder of a
    multi module build...and the Maven Ant Task does not know anything
    about that property...

        We don't call "mvn.bat" or "mvn.cmd" directly as that must be
        handled by

    Yes that's your issue, cause Maven Ant Task hasn't been
    updated/releases for a long time...and especially for Maven 3.3.X
    not...if you like to provide a patch ;-) ......?

    > I wondered if the change from bat to cmd was the cause

        of the problem, still not sure.

    Not the change from .bat to .cmd...The change from bat to cmd was
    only to leave Win95 support...

    The point is the usage for the root folder to find ".mvn"
    folder...which is needed cause the configuration (maven.config) is
    located there and jvm configuration (jvm.config) and extensions
    (extensions.xml) are being loaded from there...

    >  I did see that Maven-Ant-Task has not

        been updated in quite some time, it's unfortunate if it needs to be
        updated for Maven 3.3.3 and not just work the same as prior

    The problem is that sometimes things needed to be changed...yes it
    is unfortunate...

    To be honest there had been several discussions to resign the
    Maven-Ant-Tasks and the maven-antrun-plugin....

    Are you aware of the need of Java 7 for Maven 3.3.X ?

        Are you saying that 3.3.3 isn't going to work with Maven-Ant-Task?

    At the moment no one is working ont Maven Ant Task...which means in
    other words at the moment Yes.

    >  If

        so we will have to stay with 3.2.5 until that's updated or we can
        replace our remaining Ant builds...but that isn't likely to
        happen soon.

    The questions is what exactly prevents you from updating..which
    tasks do you use ? I assume you use it within CI (Jenkins

    Kind regards
    Karl Heinz Marbaise


        On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 9:31 AM, Karl Heinz Marbaise
        <khmarba...@gmx.de <mailto:khmarba...@gmx.de>
        <mailto:khmarba...@gmx.de <mailto:khmarba...@gmx.de>>> wrote:


             if you call via Ant script? Why? Special requirement ?
             Are you on Windows or Linux ?

             Do you call the "mvn.bat" or "mvn.cmd" file ? Do you call
        the file
             from the distribution ?

             Apart from that the property is intended to find the root
        folder of
             a multi module build where the ".mvn" folder can be located...

             See Release notes for more details on it...


             Maven-Ant-Task has not been updated for Maven 3.3.X as far
        as i know...

             Kind regards
             Karl Heinz Marbaise

             On 9/14/15 5:14 PM, David Hoffer wrote:

                 We are attempting to upgrade our CI builds to use Maven
                 but are
                 getting new errors with that version (3.2.5 worked).

                 The error is: -Dmaven.multiModuleProjectDirectory
        system propery
                 is not
                 set. Check $M2_HOME environment variable and mvn script

                 This only seems to be an issue with some of our builds,
                 specifically the
                 ones where the top level build is an Ant script that
        calls Maven via

                 What is this new property multiModuleProjectDirectory,
        why was
                 it added and
                 how do I fix this? The online links on this issue seem
        vague and
                 point to
                 updates needed in Eclipse and IntelliJ but in my case
        there is
                 no IDE just
                 a CI build.

                 Any help is greatly appreciated.


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