
The Apache Flink project is using Maven for dependency management. We shade
Google's Guava away (to org.apache.flink.shaded.com.google.commons) to
avoid conflicts with user guava versions.

Building Flink with Maven 3.2.5 will create a valid fat-jar without guava.
However, Maven 3.3.9 (and other 3.3.x versions) are including guava in the
com/google/commons namespace.
Interestingly, doing only a "clean install" in the "flink-dist" package
after a build of the parent pom results in a correct "flink-dist" fat jar.

I'm wondering which behavior of Maven is correct 3.2 or 3.3 ?
I have the feeling that 3.3 is behaving incorrectly because the
dependency:tree of "flink-dist" does not contain Guava.
Maybe a "clean install" on the parent pom with Maven 3.3 is not respecting
the dependency-reduced poms created by the other modules?


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