Maybe this article could help:

2016-04-20 11:07 GMT+02:00 Hohl, Gerrit <>:

> Hello everyone, :-)
> I'm currently sitting on the book "Continuous Delivery" written by Jez
> Humble and David Farley.
> They write that each build is a potential release candidate. And each
> build should be triggered by the check-in into the SCM.
> So far, so good. But how do I realize that in Maven?
> Up until now the version number in our Maven projects and modules have
> been static. If it had to be changed the developer had to perform that
> step.
> But if the CI server performs the build as well as putting the result
> into the repository (in our case Nexus), the resulting artifacts have to
> include the build number in some way. Otherwise I overwrite the same
> artifact other and other again until a developer changes the version in
> the POM file. Depending projects then will see only the last version of
> the artifact and builds won't be repeatable (means the functionality of
> the artifact changes without anyone noticing it).
> One way would be to modify the POM between the check-out from the SCM
> and the Maven build process and writing the build number into it.
> But then I will have the problem in the IDE that it don't understand
> that the current version I've checked-out is the version I have referred
> on in another project I've checked-out.
> If the CI server checks-in the changed POM file afterwards it will
> trigger the next build. Also it will cause problems if the POM was
> changed in the SCM in the meantime as the CI maybe can't merge it.
> Anyone solved that problem?
> Regards,
> Gerrit

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