I see that after you build the release version, you are then building the 
snapshot version. It is the latter that is being uploaded:

>     Uploaded: 
> https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/io/github/pr0methean/betterrandom/BetterRandom/
>  (74 KB at 140.7 KB/sec)
>     Uploading: 
> https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/io/github/pr0methean/betterrandom/BetterRandom/

I’m not sure you are even checking the right versions into Git. Why don’t you 
check your local repo as well as the one on GitHub and make sure that the tags 
match the versions you expect.

> On Sep 10, 2017, at 2:52 PM, Chris <seahen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been informed at https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/OSSRH-34445 that:
> "The logs show that the build is trying to checkout the release branch, but
> whatever it checks out probably still has as the version
> instead of
> Once the build things it's building a SNAPSHOT version, it has no choice
> but to deploy to the Snapshots repo"
> I've changed my release shell script a little bit since then to properly
> integrate the Proguard step, but I'm still having the same issue. A more
> up-to-date output log is here: https://pastebin.ca/3866418 The script I'm
> running is at
> https://github.com/Pr0methean/BetterRandom/blob/66901100812a4bca1243ac7639c34a837d6aecfa/release.sh
> and
> the pom.xml is at
> https://github.com/Pr0methean/BetterRandom/blob/master/betterrandom/pom.xml
> .
> What do I need to do differently to generate a release with a non-snapshot
> tag?

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