Hi Chris,

If i correctly see in your pom file you have defined Git URL in the root location of your project as well as in the sub module which is simply wrong... Cause you are trying to release a multi module build which means these things should only be at the root of that...

Furthermore your child (skinny-wars-javaee5/pom.xml) duplicates many things...Apart from that your child (which is not the case) based on the things in Git repo:

   <!--  <parent>
  </parent> -->
    <prefix />

So in the end the parent is an aggregator...So my question if why are you trying to release a single module ? Why not the whole in one go?

Furthermore you see the difference in the version ?

BTW: I'm not sure but there have been improvements made in more recent versions of maven-release-plugin (but I'm not sure if really support releases of childs at the moment?)...

Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise

On 10/09/17 20:52, Chris wrote:
I've been informed at https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/OSSRH-34445 that:
"The logs show that the build is trying to checkout the release branch, but
whatever it checks out probably still has as the version
instead of

Once the build things it's building a SNAPSHOT version, it has no choice
but to deploy to the Snapshots repo"

I've changed my release shell script a little bit since then to properly
integrate the Proguard step, but I'm still having the same issue. A more
up-to-date output log is here: https://pastebin.ca/3866418 The script I'm
running is at
the pom.xml is at

What do I need to do differently to generate a release with a non-snapshot

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