
we are currently having a little problem with our build.
A user complained about not being able to build with a “mvn compile”.
The reason is that we have one module that builds a web-client (bundled as war) 
and a server module to which the client is copied.
We are using the maven-dependency-plugin:unpack to unpack the artifact into the 
server war. This works fine as long as we built to at least the “package” phase.
If the user builds to something before that, the build fails as the pointer to 
the client pints to a directory instead of an archive.

Is there a way to do some sort of “unpack-or-copy” that copies if it’s just a 
pre-package phase and does the normal unpack if the archives have been created.

Would be happy to not tell them “just don’t do a `mvn compile` but at least a 
`mvn package`.


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