Hi Maxim,

unfortunately that doesn't help.
The problem is that if we do a "mvn compile" no archiving (jar/war building) is 
done at all ...
Guess what we would need, would be profiles based on the last maven phase being 
So if:
- "last phase < package" --> Copy the content without unpacking (as the File 
reference returned by dependency resolution references the target/classes 
- "last phase > package" --> Unpack the content (as the File reference returned 
by dependency resolution references a Jar/war file)


Am 22.03.19, 15:02 schrieb "Maxim Solodovnik" <solomax...@gmail.com>:

    Hello Chris,
    Maybe <archiveClasses>true</archiveClasses> of maven-war-plugin
    can help?
    On Fri, 22 Mar 2019 at 20:12, Christofer Dutz <christofer.d...@c-ware.de>
    > Hi,
    > we are currently having a little problem with our build.
    > A user complained about not being able to build with a “mvn compile”.
    > The reason is that we have one module that builds a web-client (bundled as
    > war) and a server module to which the client is copied.
    > We are using the maven-dependency-plugin:unpack to unpack the artifact
    > into the server war. This works fine as long as we built to at least the
    > “package” phase.
    > If the user builds to something before that, the build fails as the
    > pointer to the client pints to a directory instead of an archive.
    > Is there a way to do some sort of “unpack-or-copy” that copies if it’s
    > just a pre-package phase and does the normal unpack if the archives have
    > been created.
    > Would be happy to not tell them “just don’t do a `mvn compile` but at
    > least a `mvn package`.
    > Chris
    Maxim aka solomax

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