Please keep in mind QA is not a maven user.  All download/deployment and
testing are mostly automated, however, when come to reporting they have to
use something concrete which is the exact snapshot downloaded for them

They also come to accept that each artifact has its own buildNo/snapshotNo,
but the same conversation keeps repeating about version inconsistency.  (
if you add Jenkins build number it does get worse).  My take here is to
find a way to unify the snapshotNum for the entire build, then the ongoing
problem will be fixed

Speaking of implementation, I dig a litter deeper by debugging thru maven
deploy, but my IDE (eclipse) step debugger is out of syn ( maven deploy
2.8.2 --> artifact-transfier-->maven-resolver)
so I dont have much luck getting more understanding of the code.  Basically
I am looking for the exact place where Maven calculate the next snapshot



On Sun, Sep 15, 2019 at 1:57 PM Tibor Digana <> wrote:

> Hi Francois and Dan,
> I understood it the same way as Francois mentioned. Not sure if NN in the
> format "artifactId-version-timestamp-NN" is a bug. Who cares is probably
> someone who downloads the artifact manually, maybe the QA.
> Also downloading the artifacts from Nexus never was so trivial for QA and
> development team.
> There's Nexus Proffessional and the Staging Repos but I found it useful
> only in OSS developers.
> What was found acceptable was the solution where the QA does not traverse
> the path of groupId/artifactId in the repo, and it was a simple button in
> GUI and automatic deployment. Something where nobody downloads the artifact
> directly.
> My colleagues like integrating release candidates and not the Snapsthots
> because Snapshots are very volatile and the RCs are positively deployed
> ones or two times a month - rarely.
> If the Snapshots must be downloaded every day then the question is why such
> processes exist in the company or what's wrong with the project structures,
> and what is missing in the automatic deployment.
> Cheers
> Tibor17
> On Sun, Sep 15, 2019 at 10:15 PM Francois Marot <>
> wrote:
> > I'm sorry to insist but nevertheless I insist ;). I may have
> misunderstood
> > the problem but as I understand it, the whole problem can be sumed up by:
> > " the fact that the repository adds a number at the end of the deployed
> > files is a problem because not all artifacts deployed from the same
> reactor
> > may not get the same suffix/number if some previous build failed half
> way".
> > I still do not see how it is a problem as it is only a problem if one
> wants
> > to get each files manually from the filesystem. In this case he does not
> > know the *right* number for each artifact.
> > But if the QA want to download all the artifacts belonging to the latest
> > build, all he has to do is create a pom.xml referencing all those
> artifact,
> > use a variable as the version number and use the dependency plugin (
> >
> >
> > ) to retrieve the artifacts locally.
> >
> > This way, what you see as a problem is hust an internal implementation
> > detail of Maven/repository that you can circumvent easily.
> >
> > Again, I may have misunderstood so please excuse me if I'm talking
> nonsense
> > but I thought it could help.
> >
> > Regards
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > *- - - - -François Marot06 50 91 96 38*
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, 12 Sep 2019 at 04:07, Dan Tran <> wrote:
> >
> > > Hello Maven Users and Development Team
> > >
> > > Currently, artifact deployed as snapshot at Maven repository has the
> > > following format
> > >
> > >      artifactId-version-timestamp-NN
> > >
> > > where NN auto-incremented at each maven module and the number varies
> > >
> > > Is there a way to use same snapshot NN for the entire multi-module
> maven
> > > build?
> > >
> > > If I have to implement a solution, would it be as an extension or I
> have
> > to
> > > tinker with maven-deploy-plugin?
> > >
> > > Very appreciated any advice
> > >
> > > -D
> > >
> >

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