Hi all,

I am tasked with ensuring that the Maven build process of a large
government/enterprise-class system does not reach out to the Internet.  Our
Jenkins server's local maven repository has 10,000 POMs.  There are many
individual builds that are specific to our product and what we customize
for government clients.

I have a lot of devops experience but practically no experience with Maven
and Java beyond struggling to set this up.

We are using Artifactory and I'm not sure whether a generic or
Maven-specific repository is suitable for this project.

As I'm trying to understand it, I am using curl in a find/curl loop adapted

to traverse the ~/.m2/repository on our existing Jenkins server and HTTP
PUT it over to Artifactory.  This script would be hardened and sent to
internal customers to sync as part of the development process.

The problem I am seeing is that the build process is looking for
maven-metadata.xml which does not exist on our server.  We do have
-companyname and -central XML files for eg, the maven-source-plugin that
are slightly different.

I have the sense that my approach to this is off and I'm in over my head so
I could use some help.

Any pointers in the right direction would be more than welcome.

We are using Maven 3.3.9 and JDK8 on Centos 7 and cannot upgrade at this

Sean Horan

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