Am 2019-12-12 um 02:23 schrieb Leira Hua:
I use Nix under Debian. I installed clojure through nix-shell -p clojure.
clj successfully started the repl after downloaded some poms from maven.
Then I found there is a folder named ‘?’ created under my $HOME. The maven
cache .m2 is under this ‘?’ folder. I tried leiningen, it is the same.

I suppose it should be a Java related issue rather than Clojure. So I tried
to install Maven and try with mvn. A simple mvn archetype:generate created
a '?'/.m2 folder under the current folder. mvn clean -X|grep setting shows:

$ mvn clean -X|grep setting
[DEBUG]   Imported: org.apache.maven.settings < plexus.core
[DEBUG] Reading global settings from
[DEBUG] Reading user settings from ?/.m2/settings.xml

Where is this ‘?’ folder from? Is it expected behavior? How do I get rid of

Delete ~/.m2 and start the Java process with strace, upload that file. We will see direct system calls.


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