Hello Robert,
I am not sure how to deal with your announcement and given no reaction on
the dev@netbeans mailing list, I am probably not alone. Can you formulate
your issue as a bug report? E.g. have you tried to use your new Maven with
NetBeans and did you face a problem? Having steps to reproduce would make
it more real for the NetBeans community to take action.


po 22. 6. 2020 v 23:18 odesĂ­latel Robert Scholte <rfscho...@apache.org>

> Hi,
> One of my long standing wishes has made it to the master branch of Maven:
> the support for build/consumer pom.
> With this we can finally start improving the pom without breaking the
> Maven eco system.
> Up until now the pom.xml has been distributed (installed/deployed) as is
> to both local and remote repositories.
> The good thing is that is it fast and there is no magic.
> However, it sometimes implies adding redundant information and it also
> blocks any chance of improvement for Maven
> The challenge is to make it possible to have an locally an improved
> "build" pom while distributing a model 4.0.0 compatible "consumer" pom.
> The whole architecture of Maven was built upon an immutable pom.xml, so it
> took a while to split this, but I managed to solve this.
> And to confirm that it works, some transformations have been added for the
> next Maven release
> The local pom it still model 4.0.0 compatible, but some redundant elements
> are not required anymore.
> - in case the <parent/> is located at its relativePath (default:
> ../pom.xml), the version can be removed. groupId and artifactId are still
> required to ensure it is being matched with the right parent.
> - dependencies that are part of the reactor don't need a version anymore
> These are implemented steps to get from the file model to the raw model,
> where the required versions are added.
> When distributing the pom, the previous transformations are done, but also:
> - cifriendly placeholders in versions (${sha1}, ${revision},
> ${changelist}) will be resolved.
> - <modules> from <project> will be removed
> - <relativePath> from <parent> will be removed
> These cleanups are context aware, if they appear in some configuration,
> they won't be touched.
> One of our integration-tests[1] demonstrates how new poms in a multimodule
> project might look like.
> Even though the latter steps look quite small (removing elements with
> relative paths), it should give us enough feedback about the whole process.
> The status is that it is ready to be embedded in supporting tools like
> IDEs.
> We should give them time to work on this and share feedback.
> It might require some adjustments in Maven to improve user experience.
> In the meantime we need to work on plugins that will have impact by these
> changes.
> Most significant is are signing maven plugins such as the
> maven-gpg-plugin, which needs to work with the distributed pom instead of
> the local pom.
> Also all packaging plugin that can include the pom.xml and pom.properties
> in their archive should switch to the distributed pom.
> The maven-shade-plugin was marked as well, but at first glance this looks
> fine.
> In the end all our plugins must be verified, just to be sure.
> So there's enough to work on.
> In general I avoid giving timelines about how fast a new release will be
> available.
> Due to the overhead, the small amount of available time of the few
> volunteers working on Maven, I prefer to have a worth set of changes.
> In this case the impact of the changes can be huge, and I want to have
> enough faith that we won't introduce irreversible mistakes.
> Don't expect a new official release in the 3 next months, however we might
> have alpha or beta releases.
> There is a wiki page that explains this topic in more detail[2]
> It is still a draft, as there are still parts where we need to reach
> consensus.
> This page is intended as a base for discussions by Maven developers, users
> and related projects, such as IDEs, Repository Managers, CI Servers, etc.
> Looking forward for any feedback,
> Robert Scholte
> Apache Maven project
> [1]
> https://github.com/apache/maven-integration-testing/tree/master/core-it-suite/src/test/resources/mng-6656-buildconsumer
> [2]
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/Build+vs+Consumer+POM

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