Am 2020-10-25 um 19:09 schrieb Benjamin Marwell:
While TLS 1.3 and ALPN (and ciphers) may have been backported, I am not
aware of http2 being backported to Java 8. Even if it was, it would not be
part of EVERY JVM implementation, eg Eclipse OpenJ9.

You are talking non-sense. Don't mix lower level protocols like TLS with application protocols. Moreover, there is still h2c.

Tomcat 8.5+ just works fine with h2 and h2c when connected via curl.

On Sun, 25 Oct 2020, 09:52 Michael Osipov, <> wrote:

Am 2020-10-24 um 14:25 schrieb Benjamin Marwell:
You need at least java 9 for http/2. Java 11 is a current LTS release
supports h2.

Why? TLS 1.3 and ALPN have been backported to Java 8 recently.

Is there anything in the transport code preventing h2 transport?

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