And how about not using this plugin? Even it's maintainer dropped it, is
EOL. Furthermore, things this plugin does means is (or is to be) unusable
with Maven4. So is a dead end.

A new project should not start using it, really.


On Sun, Jul 30, 2023, 20:29 Garret Wilson <> wrote:

> I have a "root" POM which I use as the inheritance ancestor of all my
> projects:
> By default it's configured to use the [Nexus Staging Maven
> Plugin](
> It even has a handy `` property to define the Nexus server
> (because Sonatype actually puts accounts on separate old-school hosts,
> but I digress).
> The catch-22 here is that I need this configuration to be turned on for
> me to publish this POM to Maven Central, yet there are descendant
> projects that use it that I never want to publish to Maven Central. I
> don't want this publishing feature turned on by default in child
> projects. I would prefer to have a flag that I simply turn on in child
> projects (i.e. opt-in) that are to be made public. Any way to have the
> Nexus Staging Maven Plugin enabled in the POM itself for publishing to
> Maven Central, but have it disabled by default for inherited problems?
> I'm guessing the answer is "no", so let's instead find an easy way to
> turn it off. I don't see in the documentation (see link above) that
> there's even a "skip" property. Is there? I see that the Maven Deploy
> Plugin has such a feature. I also see that there is a
> `skipNexusStagingDeployMojo`, but that appears to be neither a
> configuration property nor a user property, but only a "plugin flag"
> which is "passed in from the CLI" using `-D`. Is there a "skip"
> configuration property for the Nexus Staging Maven Plugin ?
> Does anybody know of a better approach for easily disabling publishing
> to Maven Central in an inheriting project?
> Garret
> P.S. I'm debating whether this question would be better published on
> Stack Overflow, but in my experience it seems that the Maven experts
> seem to respond here more than on Stack Overflow.
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