Jason Roscoe wrote on Friday, November 12, 2004 5:26 PM:

> I put in my build.properties file, this:
> Maven.ssh.properties=-1
> And ran maven -X site:deploy
>     [tar] Building tar:
> C:\crmj2ee\workspace\target\raweb-workspace-SNAPSHOT-sit
> e.tar
>     [gzip] Building:
> C:\crmj2ee\workspace\target\raweb-workspace-SNAPSHOT-site.t
> ar.gz
>     [delete] Deleting:
> C:\crmj2ee\workspace\target\raweb-workspace-SNAPSHOT-site .tar
>     [exec] [VERBOSE] Current OS is Windows XP
>     [exec] [VERBOSE] Executing 'ssh' with arguments: '-l'
> 'prgjr1'
> 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'
> 'mkdir -p /opt/IBMHttpServer/htdocs/html/'
> The ' characters around the executable and arguments are
> not part of the command.
>     [exec] [DEBUG] Execute:Java13CommandLauncher: Executing
> 'ssh' with arguments
> '-l'
> 'prgjr1'
> 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'
> 'mkdir -p /opt/IBMHttpServer/htdocs/html/'
> The ' characters around the executable and arguments are
> not part of the command.

And then stops?

OK. Try this command above from command line:

ssh -1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] "mkdir -p /opt/IBMHttpServer/htdocs/html/"

... and try this:

ssh -1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mkdir -p /opt/IBMHttpServer/htdocs/html/

What happens? If you can execute the second version without further request, we 
have a problem, since Maven seems then to treet all elements of the following 
mkdir command as a single command and this cannot work.

- Jörg

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