
have you tried the *Maven Plug-in* entry on xdoclet website ?
http://xdoclet.sourceforge.net/xdoclet/maven-plugin.html. On this
page, we can read :

"Maven is an increasingly popular build tool, and XDoclet maintains
its own Maven plug-in. This plug-in is located in the same folder as
the other xdoclet jar files, and is named
maven-xdoclet-plugin-<version>.jar. Just drop it in your
$MAVEN_HOME/plugins directory and you're ready to go. You might have
to delete your $MAVEN_HOME/cache/*.* files and previous un-zipped
XDoclet plug-ins in $MAVEN_HOME/plugins to be able to get it to work

So download xdoclet, unpack it and you'll find the plugin.

The second option would be to add the xdoclet repository to the
maven.repo.remote property in your build.properties :


and to use the plugin:download goal and in a command prompt, type the
following command :

C:\WINDOWS\system32>maven -DgroupId=xdoclet -DartifactId=maven-xdoclet-plugin -D
version=1.2.2 plugin:download

This will be possible as soon as Eric will have updated the xdoclet repository.

On Mon, 15 Nov 2004 14:42:34 -0800 (PST), Janos Mucsi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Eric
> Where is this?
> I am still getting:
> java:compile:
>     [echo] Generates EJB classes and descriptor files
> Tag library requested that is not present: 'maven' in
> plugin: 'maven-xdoclet-plugin-1.2.1'
> xdoclet:ejbdoclet:
> Have you tried with the latest and greatest of
> xdoclet?  1.2.2 was
> released,
> and had many improvements and cleanups applied to the
> Maven plugin.
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