I have about 15 projects and a master POM for all of them. I use maven to build the individual projects as well as the integrated web site. When Maven does this multiproject build, it uses the current development branch for the project that it is building, but the current stated _dependencies_, not from the source, for each dependency.

That is, Maven is NOT doing continuous integration in a multiproject build. For example, Maven does not build the dependencies from the most current source for the stated revision of that dependency.

So, my question is: Is anyone doing continuous integration builds using Maven and how?

We are, via CruiseControl. We have 27 projects that all share a master POM (17 applications & 10 libraries). Any time someone checks in code CruiseControl checks it back out, builds the project and dropps a SNAPSHOT jar in the repository.

As of version 2.2 you can have CruiseControl check a project's POM for
SNAPSHOT dependencies and rebuild when their timestamp changes.  So,
anytime a library changes any project that uses it is also rebuilt (and

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Sounds sweet... Care to share an example? Or is this well-known and described behaviour?


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