I do this in maven.xml to install the schema file generate with
hibernate to the local repository. I guess you may do something
similar just using artifact:deploy instead of artifact install, just
read the documentation of artifact:

<project default="jar" xmlns:artifact="artifact">
    <postGoal name="jar:install">
        <attainGoal name="hibernate:schema-export"/>
type="schema" project="${pom}"/>


On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 12:20:46 -0200, Roberto Castro
> Hi ! Althought not recommended, I generate one jar, one war and one ear 
> artifact in only one Maven subproject. The system is not mine and I cannot 
> modify it, but I'd like to deploy all artifacts to the remote repository. Is 
> it possible to do this kind of thing?
> I can copy all artifacts to the local repository using ant copy command in 
> "maven.xml" file, but I don't know what to do to copy to the remote 
> repository.
> Thanks in advance for the help.
>         Regards,
>      Roberto de Castro
>      Analista de Suporte
>      Cetip - Desus Rio de Janeiro
>      +55 21 2276-7439
>      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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