The Maven/build side is building an ear, and executing was5:run-script.  I 
need to know if I need a local WebSphere install in order to execute 
was5:run-script, or if there is a way to attain this goal on a remote 
server.  When I tried to run was5:run-script with a different host than 
the maven host, it looked locally for a was_home and bombed out when it 
couldn't find one.

Should I :

1. Run Maven on my DeploymentManager box in order for it to execute 
scripts using the was5:run-script goal against a cluster?

2. Run Maven on a box that has a whole or partial WebSphere install so I 
can use wsadmin to connect to my Deployment Manager, yada,yada,yada?

3. Run Maven on it's own server and somehow execute was5:run-script 
against the DeploymentManager server? If so, how do I get the was5 plugin 
to look for was_home on the DeploymentManager, not the maven box?

Louis M. Burroughs III, OCTO

Dion Gillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
01/04/2005 10:04 PM
Please respond to "Maven Users List"

        To:     Maven Users List <>
        Subject:        Re: Was5 remote deployments

On Tue, 4 Jan 2005 14:31:22 -0500, Louis Burroughs
> I am trying to set up a build process with Maven running on one 
> box) talking to a Websphere DeploymentManager box that runs a jacl 
> to deploy my application to a cluster.
> Do I need to install a full blown instance of Websphere on my build box 
> can I pick and choose certain libraries to get wsadmin running?

So the maven/build side is simply running wsadmin?

If so, it's a websphere question rather than a Maven one.

>From what I know, installing an application remotely is not correctly
supported by was5.1 using wsadmin.


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