Hi. I'm fairly new to Maven, but over the weekend I got it to build my torque/struts-based webapp, and I'm hooked. Now I'm trying to sell the concept at work, and I've come up with a situation that I'm not sure how to handle.

Let's say I'm writing a struts webapp, and that both struts and my app depend on foo.jar. For the sake of argument, let's also say I'm building struts from source as well. Now say that my struts work and my webapp work depend on having different versions of the same foo.jar.

I know how maven handles this in a build situation, and it seems to work great.

Hmm. I realize that what I'm about to ask strays off-topic, as it is not specific to maven but a much more general Java situation. Forgive me for asking anyway. Is there a concise, authoritative reference that explains this? (Also, feel free to tell me to shut up).

Now I want to deploy my webapp with my struts build, and maven can do that, too. But what happens when it tries to put the two versions of foo.jar in the WEB-INF/lib directory? When the container loads my application, its classloader is going to load both JARs. What happens? Last one loaded wins? First? Unpredictable?

I really appreciate any light you can shed. Thank you.


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