A corrupted jar !


This is a strange package path (com.sun and org.apache)!


On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 11:41:31 -0000, Adam Hardy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi again All,
> I posted 24 hours ago (included below) about a problem with xerces.
> I probably should have kept it short and sweet to attract a reply, so
> I'm going to try that now:
> how can I set up and run a task as a goal with a later version of xerces
> xml parser?
> None of the solutions out in doc/google-land have worked for me, e.g.
> forking, defining classpaths etc.
> Thanks for any advice,
> Adam
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adam Hardy
> Sent: 24 February 2005 13:03
> To: users@maven.apache.org
> Subject: xercesImpl and alternately XmlChars or OutputFormat
> I have a problem setting up Sun's JAXB xml binding as an ant task in my
> maven.xml.
> I have scoured google, the mailing list archives and the maven
> documentation, and now after 2 days I think I need some outside help!
> I already found that some people set up a maven plugin for JAXB, which I
> tried, but I get the same failure.
> In my goal I have declared the JAXB task that I wish to run and have
> tried various combinations of classpaths which result in various
> NoClassDefFoundError being thrown.
> I see there have been problems before with xerces because of maven's
> in-built dependence on xerces 2.x.
> For JAXB 1.5 I need to use xercesImpl-2.6.2
> From the mailing list messages on the subject, I think I need maven to
> give me a context without any reference to its own version of xerces.
> I tried including fork="true", and referencing classpath declarations
> for the ant:taskdef, but I still get the NoClassDefFoundError for the
> xercesImpl class:
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/serialize/OutputFormat
> This is my maven.xml:
> <goal name="jaxb">
>   <!--  define an jaxb xjc task to generate schema-based .java files -->
>   <ant:taskdef name="xjc"
>     classname="com.sun.tools.xjc.XJCTask" fork="true">
>     <ant:classpath>
>       <ant:pathelement
>         location="${pom.getDependencyPath('jaxb:jaxb-xjc')}"/>
>       <ant:pathelement
>         location="${pom.getDependencyPath('jaxb:jaxb-libs')}"/>
>       <ant:pathelement
>         location="${pom.getDependencyPath('jaxb:jaxb-impl')}"/>
>       <ant:pathelement
>         location="${pom.getDependencyPath('xsdlib:xsdlib')}"/>
>       <ant:pathelement
>         location="${pom.getDependencyPath('relaxng:relaxngDatatype')}"/>
>       <ant:pathelement
>         location="${pom.getDependencyPath('namespace:jax-qname')}"/>
>       <ant:pathelement
>         location="${pom.getDependencyPath('jaxb:jaxb-api')}"/>
>       <ant:pathelement
>         location="${pom.getDependencyPath('namespace:namespace')}"/>
>       <ant:pathelement
>         location="${pom.getDependencyPath('xerces:xercesImpl')}"/>
>     </ant:classpath>
>   </ant:taskdef>
> [snipped out some variable manipulation................]
>   <ant:xjc schema="conf/${jaxb.schema}"
>       target="src"
>       package="${jaxb.destination}" fork="true">
>     <ant:pathelement
>       location="${pom.getDependencyPath('xerces:xercesImpl')}"/>
>   </ant:xjc>
>   </goal>
> I don't know how to get a context free from references to maven's xerces
> version. My attempts have all failed with various results.
> Firstly if I put the xercesImpl jar on the classpath as a pathelement as
> above, or if I leave it out, it makes no difference.
> Then if I tell maven to run java:compile first (advice in a msg on the
> mailing list) by setting up a preGoal, I get a different error:
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/xml/util/XmlChars
>         at
> com.sun.tools.xjc.reader.internalizer.WhitespaceStripper.processPendingT
> ext(WhitespaceStripper.java:91)
> However XmlChars is in xsdlib.jar, which I have put on the classpath as
> you can see above. This is the most confusing bit because it seems a
> simple issue, but I can't see what to do.
> If I include the whole dependency classpath like this:
> <ant:path refid="maven.dependency.classpath"/>
> it makes no difference either.
> If anyone can provide any advice, I'd be grateful.
> Regards
> Adam
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