package over the mevenide.
by giving it a directory with pom it loads the project.xml and properties files.
        IQueryContext con = new DefaultQueryContext(directory);
        Project proj = con.getPOMContext().getFinalProject();

the returned project should be a merge of pom + all it's parents.
you can also get a project instance for each layer separately and
similar things.

it does not fire changes in files, but whenever you access the data,
it will check timestamps for the project files and reload the data.


Milos Kleint

On Apr 11, 2005 9:36 PM, Arik Kfir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to parse a POM to read its properties and data. Currently I am
> opening a MavenSession to do this and it works good. There are
> drawbacks, however:
> 1. If the file changes, I need to reopen a MavenSession to have the POM
> updated
> 2. Performance-wise
> What would be the best way to do this? Perhaps using the same low-level
> API that the MavenSession uses?
> Your tips are welcome - 10x

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