On 6/21/05, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In short, not really. It is possible to write your own resolver
> (someone on the list has attempted this already), but that is possibly
> more work than you'd like.
> Several features in Maven 2 depend on the existence of a repository,
> hence this requirement. If dependencies were located relative to a
> project, transitive dependencies would fail, for example.

This wouldn't have to cause transitive dependencies to fail.  The
project's repo could (and probably should) meet the layout of the
regular local repo.  What I am really looking for is less of a "jar
override" and more of a way to specify a project's local repo in my
pom.xml.  Like this:


> I think the key is that you don't want to copy them into the local
> repository manually: but you'd be happy with automatically? It would
> actually be reasonably simple to write your own plugin that occurs in
> the first phase (validate in alpha-3) and copies those jars into the
> local repository if it doesn't exist. If you'd like to do this and
> need help, just let us know - but the plugin documentation on the web
> site is a good place to start.

Well, writing my own plugin is to do the copy isnt the solution I was
hoping for but is a solution.  :)  Is M2 going to support this before
the final release?  This seems like a requirement because of the
following reasons:

- Although the M2 Repo is more robust than the original Maven repo, it
can't possibly have every dependency that any project is ever going to

- It isn't right to have developers manually copying dependancies to
their local repo upon a fresh checkout because this violates the
"making the build process easy" and "uniform build system" objectives.

- For simple/small projects it isn't right to force a developer to set
up a web server to host their own maven repo because this adds much
overhead to creating projects.

So, I wonder if M2 is going to support some way to solve this problem
before the final release.  If so, what is the approach M2 plans to
take?  I don't mind writing a plugin and possibly contributing to the
project.  If there are no plans to support this feature, could someone
help me understand why?

Chris Bozic

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