Sorry, I did misunderstand you indeed ;-)

I'm afraid I cannot help you much further.

Does Maven complain when you try it from the commandline like that?:

maven scm:cvs-checkout-project -Dmaven.scm.cvs.module=SQLAdmin -Dmaven.scm.tag=FOO_BAR_TAG ...

Does it correctly check out your tagged version (the one with the certainly existing tag; you e.g. could look for a specific change)?

Gisbert Amm

Jeffrey Mutonho wrote:
On 6/28/05, Gisbert Amm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It's not non-existant, it was formerly there and is obviously still
existing in your version of the SCM plugin. However, it'll vanish when
you upgrade the plugin one day (since it's deprecated). But you're
right: As long as Maven does what you expect and doesn't complain, you
don't need to worry.

Gisbert Amm

I think you misunderstood my question :) .What I meant by
"non-existant" is a non-existant TAG in cvs.So if I specify the

<preGoal name="build-all">
  <j:set var="maven.scm.cvs.module">SQLAdmin</j:set>
   <j:set var="maven.scm.tag">FOO_BAR_TAG</j:set>
   <attainGoal name="scm:cvs-checkout-project"/>

and there's no tag called FOO_BAR_TAG in cvs , maven still continues
to checkout my project without complaining that it can't find the tag
FOO_BAR_TAG in cvs.If it doesn't complain about it , then how can I
confirm that the correct tagged version was checked out?Whats the
point then of being able to specify a tag that isn't present in cvs ,
and then still maven doesn't pick up the error?

jeff mutonho

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