
I'm developing a plugin for Maven (1.0.2) and run into trouble. The plugin has - among other - the following dependencies:

<url>http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/logging/</url>Missing DTD definition for BeanPropertySetterRule

If I run my unit tests in the IDE (Eclipse) or via the goal test, everything runs fine. But if I want to use my plugin after "maven plugin:install", it does not work.

The plugin parses the Junit test reports using commons-digester, my code has test coverage of 100%! Running the plugin there are some strange errors, parts of the XML report are not parsed (ignored). If I add that XML report to my test suite, everything works as expected. So, I think my code is "correct".

The parts ignored while the plugin run should be collected via a "bean-property-setter-rule". I searched issues.apache.org for bugs and found that one: http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=16785

According to that bug, the rule "bean-property-setter-rule" was added after Digester 1.4.1 release. My code uses 1.7...

So, I looked into the lib folder of my Maven installation, and there is a commons-digester-1.4.1.jar.

I think while running the plugin Digester 1.7 is not used, "Maven's" 1.4.1 is used instead. Therefore some parts of the XML report are ignored.

While running a plugin that has a dependency to a jar that Maven depends on, which version is used for the plugin? How can I force that the right version is used for my plugin?


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