I'd be interested to see what you are doing here, and whether an
osgi-bundle plugin could be created to assist in this.

Unfortunately the JAR plugin documentation does not yet go deep enough
into the manifest element, but it's fields are seen here:


<archive> is:

<manifest> in there is:

though you can add your own manifestFile instead of a manifest element.


On 7/16/05, Bennett, Timothy (JIS/Applications)
> All,
> Can someone point me in the right direction to find some information
> about how to customize the manifest.mf file that m2 creates and includes
> in the jar?
> I'm trying to use m2 to build my OSGi bundles, and OSGi requires the
> bundle meta-data to be added to the jar manifest.  I know how to do this
> in Ant, but I'd prefer to use M2.
> Regards and thanks,
> Timothy
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