
I am trying to retrieve a list of dependencies for all the artifacts that I have included in my project.

The goal is, to get all those files, copy them into a specific location and then zip them together to obtain "single-file-install" which is deployable without any further dependencies.

I have tried to simply get the *.pom - files and get their dependencies, but so far, I have failed to do this.

The way I have gone, was like the following:

<j:forEach var="lib" items="${pom.artifacts}">
   <ant:copy todir="${distDir}/lib" file="${lib.path}" />

the above works, but only allows me to copy the DIRECT dependencies which I have specified in the project.xml.

But how do I get to copy all the dependencies of my dependencies into my ${distDir}/lib folder?

Does anyone have a solution for this?

Best Regards

Per Abich
Catenic AG

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