Yes, Sysdeo Tomcat plugin.

Web app work flow is similar to what you describe, but we have Tomcat and the Tomcat plugin configured to use context configuration files and just point the context to the target/<artifactId> directory of the webapp project. Therefore, the work flow is:

1) make a change in Eclipse
2) Start Tomcat, if it isn't already started
3) execute maven war:webapp
4) test/refresh in browser
5) repeat

Most changes are picked up automatically by Tomcat, though some are not (e.g., changes to Spring beans configuration), so I may add the clean goal as part of the maven command, or just restart Tomcat. Though, as I think about it, using a Maven plugin may make more sense as it's configuration travels in the POM instead of in the IDE configuration. Hmmmm, I'll have to play with the Maven tomcat plugin.

As for use of multiproject, we don't have all the Maven sub-projects in one Eclipse project. We have one Eclipse project per Maven sub-project, separating out almost everything but presentation from the webapp project. The only downside to this is not being able to have an Eclipse project for the Maven parent project. Though, all that's in the parent project is project.xml,, Eclipse java code/style templates, and a license/header file (for checkstyle plugin). Each sub-project sets the maven.multiproject.type property approrpiately (e.g., maven.multiproject.type=war:war for the webapp, maven.multiproject.type=jar:jar for most of the others) Perhaps I could set maven.multiproject.type=jar:deploy or some such for the other projects? Haven't tried.

Can't help you out with EAR projects, we haven't done any. From what I've read on this list it appears similar to the multi-project layout we've already got.

We try very hard to stick with the Maven mantra "one artifact, one project". We've found that only the most trivial project are hindered by this, and that it has helps us design more and better reusable packages.


P.S. All of this is with Maven 1.0.2.

jk jk wrote:

Thanks Doug.  For the tomcat plugin, Im presumming
your referring to the Sysdeo tomcat plugin.  I also
have that installed in eclipse and use it to start &
stop tomcat.  Can you list down the flow of how you
would make a change in your webapp and deploy it when
actively developing?  For example, this is what Im

1) Make a change in eclipse
2) Using the Systedo tomcat plugin in eclipse, start
3) Open command prompt, execute maven tomcat:install
4) Test out change in browser.
5) Make a change in eclipse again if I want to
6) In command prompt, execute maven tomcat:reload
7) Test out change in browser.

Also, Im trying to setup something similar to what you
had done with the multiproject. But to use
multiproject in eclipse, I would have to create one
root project and create 4 subprojects within that
project.  I dont really want to do that as I still
want to have separate projects within eclipse which
means I will opt not to use multiproject.  Can someone
show me an example of an  eclipse EAR project that
uses maven to build the dependencies on the projects
within eclipse?



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