Thanks for the reply, Brett. I suspected that the issue was within
dom4j's POM, and I'd like to help clean it up by submitting issues to
MEV in JIRA.  However, I am not sure what the appropriate corrections
would be.  Should the jars inside the dom4j POM be declared with a
particular scope that would prevent them from being fetched when
another POM depends on dom4j?  If so, which scope would this be?


On 8/3/05, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There isn't actually a way to turn it off wholesale, but you can
> exclude specific ones using <exclusions />:
> <dependency>
>   <groupId>dom4j</groupId>
>   ...
>   <exclusions>
>     <exclusion>
>       <groupId>jdbc</groupId>
>       <artifactId>jdbc</artifactId>
>     </exclusion>
>     ...
>   </exclusions>
> This should be considered a last resort - what really needs to happen
> is for the dom4j metadata to be corrected. It in particular is well
> known to be problematic.
> You can file issues for other metadata at
> We will be spending more time after the beta-1 release on cleaning up
> the existing metadata.
> - Brett

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