
is there any change in the Maven 2 plugin related to this release?  :)

I am working with the nightly build of M2 from a few days ago and I'm getting a bunch of errors like this:

[INFO] Generate "PMD Report" report.
[ERROR] VM #displayTree: error : too few arguments to macro. Wanted 2 got 0
[ERROR] VM #menuItem: error : too few arguments to macro. Wanted 1 got 0
[ERROR] RHS of #set statement is null. Context will not be modified. org/apache/maven/doxia/maven-site.vm [line 1, column 1]
[INFO] Generate "Dependencies" report.
[ERROR] RHS of #set statement is null. Context will not be modified. org/apache/maven/doxia/maven-site.vm [line 1, column 1]

I probably need to configure it and won't be surprised if that's the problem, but I can't locate any docs on setting it up for M2.

Many thanks

Carlos Sanchez on 06/08/05 01:39, wrote:
The maven team is pleased to announce the Maven PMD Plug-in 1.7 release!

The Maven PMD plugin is a plugin that wraps the PMD framework (http://pmd.sourceforge.net). PMD is a source checking framework that works by scanning Java source code and looks for potential problems like: unused local variables, empty catch blocks, unused parameters, empty 'if' statements, etc.
Changes in this version include:

  New Features:

o Added ability to check test sources. Issue: MPPMD-14.

o Upgrade to pmd-3.2. Issue: MPPMD-15.
To automatically install the plugin, type the following on a single line:

maven plugin:download -DgroupId=maven -DartifactId=maven-pmd-plugin

For a manual installation, you can download the plugin here:
Have fun!
-The maven team

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