bw t wrote on Thursday, August 25, 2005 11:13 AM:

> Hi all,
> I wonder why the repository dir that contains all the jar
> files is placed in
> a user's home dir ?
> /home/username/.maven/repository/...
> If this Linux system is to be used and shared among a few
> ppl, aren't these jar suppose to be common stuff for all ?
> Why should each user have their own copy of ..say, log4j-1.2.8.jar ?

It's a default, you can change it by a property. The home is the only directory 
in a Unix system, where Maven savely can assume, that it is writable. 
Nevertheless there might be still reasons not to share a local repo between 
users e.g. in companies because of security or because of artifacts falling 
under a non-disclosure agreement.

- Jörg

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