I have written a custom goal for my continuous integration
multiproject-build. I did this to be able to deploy jars from the
automated build without having to run unit tests twice (once for site,
once for jar:deploy). With help from you folks, I've gotten that much

Now, the problem is that I want to deploy the subproject sites as part
of the same custom goal. However, I think that running
multiproject:site-deploy is different than running site:deploy from a
custom goal called from multiproject:goal.

What I end up with now is each project deploys its site over top of
the previous one in the build. I know that one approach is to set
siteDirectory on all projects and create a navigation.xml in my
top-level project. Is there a better way that will build the
navigation automatically? Here is my custom goal:

    <goal name="continuousintegration">
        <attainGoal name="clean"/>
        <attainGoal name="site:deploy"/>
        <!-- avoid running tests again -->
        <j:if test="${maven.test.failure}">
            <fail message="There were test failures."/>
        <j:set var="maven.test.skip" value="true"/>
        <attainGoal name="jar:install"/>
        <attainGoal name="jar:deploy-snapshot"/>
        <j:set var="maven.test.skip" value="false"/>

Craig McDaniel

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