Having a problem understanding the directory structure for the master 
project which contains multiple subprojects.
I am trying to create an ear from two wars which are generated from two 

      - pom.xml (I want this to generate an EAR)
      - proj1
             - pom.xml
             - src/main/java/
             - src/test/java
             - target/proj1.war (WAR file generated by the build)
      - proj2
             - pom.xml
             - src/main/java/
             - src/test/java
             - target/proj2.war (WAR file generated by the build)

This is where I am a little lost... The 2 WAR files are successfully 
generated and installed into my local repository by running the command:
                m2 clean:clean install        (from the directory 

When I try to create the EAR file I do so using the following command:
                 m2 ear:ear                            (from the directory 

I receive an error:
                 Deployment descriptor: 
does not exist.

Three Questions:
1 - Is my directory structure correct?
2 - I thought that the application.xml file was supposed to be generated. 
Do you know why it's not being generated?
3 - What else am I missing to generate the EAR?

Any help will be appreciated.

Eric Starr

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