Good pointer - look forward to reading the docs when I get a moment. Had a quick scan, but I don't think it will help me xmlwise, but it will take the drudgery out of a few other tasks.

On 7 Sep 2005, at 21:00, Jesse McConnell wrote:

the apt documentation mechanism is an implemention of this basic idea I


On 9/7/05, Andy Glick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ashley Williams wrote:

I've mentioned in a previous post that I'm slightly fed up with editing
xml files, even with a fancy editor. I though I might knock up a
stylesheet that will enable me to write a short hand for example:

modelVersion 4.0.0
groupId com.acme
groupId servletapi
groupId ejbapi

In other words tabs are important and should map nicely to begin and
end tags. With a little magic the one-one map would mean I don't even need to keep a separate file since it's just a view on an existing xml

Question is: has anyone had this idea before and where can I download



Ashley, way off topic dude! ;-)

AFAIK are many efforts at producing markup more minimal than XML. I
remember reading an article some years ago that listed between 4 and 6 different candidates, with a short discussion concerning each. Just looked for and couldn't identify or locate anything that looked similar, but try googling for YAML and then stand back. There are parsers and integrations for at least perl, python and ruby. This is not a recommendation, just a
suggestion about a starting point.

Good luck

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jesse mcconnell

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