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Comments inline.



Ashley Williams wrote:
| Hi John,
| Looking forward to the properties code btw

It's in. Good luck! :)


| I won't lecture you on the ins and outs of modular source trees - I'm
| sure you know already - but I will mention one specific point, for
| clarity. Having a monolithic source tree has a rather dramatic  ownership
| cost. It means that everyone working on it must be concerned with
| regressions across the tree, and it hides what would otherwise be
| reusable and generally useful functionality from groups outside the  team
| members that maintain that codebase. Therefore, for the longer term,
| it's better to chop this stuff up and make a series of finer grained
| artifacts that encapsulate some coherent, sane set of functionality.
|> Not sure I agree with your original assumptions. The java package
|> namespace is one thing and the carving up into component jar files  etc
|> is another. The package namespace is monolithic whichever way you  look
|> at it, ie it's always going to be one package tree. Having one  or many
|> filesystem trees won't affect the source code authors one  jot, but it
|> will have an impact how the deployment team go about  their business. Eg
|> they will dictate that a certain file structure  convenient for the jar
|> command (multiple fs trees), or they will  apply some filtering rules
|> (single fs tree). Yeah I know, the  deployer is just the coder in a
|> different hat ;)

Have you ever looked at the Spring source tree? Or the Eclipse one?
While it might make complete sense browsing the class hierarchy in any
of the jars created by either of these projects, trying to understand
where these jars come from the source tree is an exercise in
frustration. While the package namespace is monolithic, splitting these
projects into pieces would provide a clear, targetted way of finding,
building, and maybe patching/fixing the source code for a given jar. It
makes parallel release cycles simpler, too, since the whole monolithic
project doesn't have to pass tests in order to release a revision on one
subset of the functionality. This isn't just a deployment issue, it's
about the entire development approach. If you have multiple teams
working on multiple deadlines which will result in releases of their
respective code - potentially at different times - why would you want
that code to reside in the same monolithic codebase? If you're assuming
a single release cycle for all artifacts produced from that codebase,
isn't it reasonable to assume that some of that huge codebase could be
reused in different projects, and that that reuse might uncover patch
scenarios and a separation of the release cycle for that artifact? If
you don't have separate release cycles per artifact, the only other
scenario I can think of for producing multiple artifacts is separation
across a client/server type boundary...which is the only long-term
legitimate use case for filtered compiles that I've heard, IMO.

Short-term practicality notwithstanding, of course. :)

|> For me I don't care whether the code is in a database, single fs tree
|> or multiple fs trees or even accessed through jndi, but I do disagree
|> that splitting up your filing system along the lines of your  component
|> distribution is automatically a wise thing to do for any  given project.

Splitting of a codebase has the same pro- arguments as splitting up the
java packaging structure. There may be reasons for putting all classes
in the default package '.' but I haven't heard them...beyond the
ever-present short-term need to "just get it working." I'm not making
any assertion about automatic or absolute, just arguing from my own

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