I've just svn up'd to the latest m2 and seem to be having issues with
using deployed snapshots of custom plugins that was working

I deploy the custom plugin with "m2 -DupdateReleaseInfo=true deploy". 
All seems to deploy okay, complete with the new XML metadata files.

I then delete any local-repo versions of the plugin and delete
plugin-registry.xml to force auto-discovery of my plugin.  My
settings.xml is setup with the correct pluginGroup.

I then run the plugin goal against another project which fails.  It
seems to be looking for pom urls of the form xxx-SNAPSHOT.pom, rather
than those that are there of the form xxx-20050912.112423-1.pom, even
though the metadata XML file indicates the snapshot version is indeed
20050912.112423, build 1.

Am I doing anything wrong here?



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