Thanks Jörg,

it was published in

What is the purpose of the postGoal? By current release you mean maven 1.1
beta2 or maven 2 beta 1?

Thanks, Jan

"Jörg Schaible" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
Jörg Schaible wrote on Monday, September 19, 2005 5:25 PM:

> Arnaud HERITIER wrote on Monday, September 19, 2005 4:43 PM:
>> It's not possible in maven 1.
>> Dependencies are checked for any goal called.
>> It's a feature already implemented in m2.
> It can and it has published here on the list more than once:
>     <goal name='multiproject:clean'>
>         <maven:reactor basedir='${maven.multiproject.basedir}'
>                        banner='Gathering project list'
>                        includes='${maven.multiproject.includes}'
>                        excludes='${maven.multiproject.excludes}'
>                        postProcessing='true'
> ignoreFailures='${maven.multiproject.ignoreFailures}'
>                        collectOnly='true' />
>         <j:forEach var='reactorProject' items='${reactorProjects}'>
> <j:set var='_clean_dir'>${reactorProject.context.getVariable('maven.b
>             uild.dest')}</j:set> <ant:delete dir='${_clean_dir}' />
>             <j:set
> var='_clean_dir'>${reactorProject.context.getVariable('maven.b
>             uild.dir')}</j:set> <ant:delete dir='${_clean_dir}' />
>         </j:forEach>
>         <j:remove var='_clean_dir' />
>     </goal>

Just forgot: I also normally add

    <postGoal name='multiproject:clean'>
        <attainGoal name='clean' />

(which has been addressed now in a current release of the plugin though)

- Jörg

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