Remote repositories are for sharing artifacts between users.  They are
not a replacement for the local repository.


On 10/11/05, Marrs, Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to setup a shared/remote HTTP-based repository on Tomcat, but I
> can't make it work. Here are the steps I've taken:
> 1) Removed my local M2 repository.
> 2) Installed Tomcat.
> 3) Added a repository directory under $CATALINA_HOME
> 4) Modified my top-level POM as follows:
> ---
> ...
>     <build>
>       ...
>     </build>
>     <profiles>
>       <profile>
>         <repositories>
>           <repository>
>             <id>shared</id>
>             <name>shared</name>
>             <url>http://localhost:18080/repository</url>
>           </repository>
>           <repository>
>             <id>repo1</id>
>             <name>repo1</name>
>             <url></url>
>           </repository>
>         </repositories>
>       </profile>
>     </profiles>
>     <dependencyManagement>
>       ...
>     </dependencyManagement>
> ---
> The
> When I run "m2 install" it ignores the remote repository on Tomcat, and
> starts installing the JARs to my local repository. Why?? Have I done
> something wrong? Should I be doing something else? Thanks for your help.
> Tom

Stephen Duncan Jr

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