Say you have a multiproject like this

+- project.xml
+- common/
|  +- project.xml
|  +-
+- subprojecta
|  +- src/
|  |  +- main/
|  |  |  +- java/
|  |  |  |  +- com
|  |  |  |  |  +- ...
|  |  |  +- resources/
|  |  +- site/
|  |  |  +- xdoc/
|  |  +- test/
|  |     +- java/
|  |        +- com
|  |           +- ...
|  +- target/
|  +- project.xml
+- subprojectb
   +- src/
   |  +- main/
   |  |  +- java/
   |  |  |  +- com
   |  |  |  |  +- ...
   |  |  +- resources/
   |  +- site/
   |  |  +- xdoc/
   |  +- test/
   |     +- java/
   |        +- com
   |           +- ...
   +- target/
   +- project.xml

The <currentVersion> element is in common/project.xml, but when I run the
scm plugin from mymultiproject to tag it and set the version, it adds a new
<currentVersion> element to mymultiproject/project.xml with the new current
version. The mymultiproject/project.xml extends common/project.xml with the
line <extend>common/project.xml</extend>. So after running the plugin,
mymultiproject/project.xml has the new <currentVersion> element that the scm
plugin added and is accurate. But it also has the <currentVersion> element
that it gets by extending common/project.xml which is no longer accurate. I
can live with the plugin adding a new <currentVersion> element to
mymultiproject/project.xml, but I need to make sure it's consistent with the
one in common/project.xml. Is there a way to do that? I suppose I could
script it in my maven.xml, but I want to make sure there isn't a way to do
this without scripting before I go down that path. Or should I not be using
the scm plugin this way with multiprojects?


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