Apparently this is how you will be told about things like syntax errors in
your pom file :( not very helpful.

On 10/21/05, Xavier Toth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What is a 'component' in this context? This class exists in the
> maven-artifact-ant-2.0-dep.jar.
> [artifact:pom] [ERROR] Nonexistent component:
> org.apache.maven.usability.diagnostics.ErrorDiagnostics
> <?xml version="1.0" ?>
> <project name="MessageClient" default="build" basedir="."
> xmlns:artifact="urn:maven-artifact-ant">
> <echo message="Building MessageClient jar"/>
> <typedef resource="org/apache/maven/artifact/ant/antlib.xml"
> uri="urn:maven-artifact-ant">
> <classpath>
> <pathelement location="../../lib/maven-artifact-ant-2.0-dep/maven-
> artifact-ant-2.0-dep.jar" />
> </classpath>
> </typedef>
> <artifact:pom id="maven.project" file="pom.xml" />

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